Tandem Paragliding in Gudauri | Georgia

Paragliding over the Aragvi canyon


A real adventure at the mouth of the Aragvi River. The flight will take 10 - 15 minutes, you will fly next to the rocky cliffs and alpine waterfall and land in the Aragvi canyon (1650 m) - a very beautiful and picturesque place. The starting point is near the resort of Gudauri, the total length of the route is 5 km, the altitude is 2100 - 2750 m. Gudauri.

Paragliding allows you to look at mountain landscapes and see the world as birds see it. Skillfully using air currents, the weight of your own body will open the world to you from a different angle.


С кем полетать на параплане в Гудаури

free your soul

Airtime: 10-20 minutes

Take-off altitude:

2100-2306 meters above sea level


— for children’s over 5 years old

— only in sunny weather from 12.30 to 16.30

Total duration of the adventure: from 35 minutes


Aragvi Canyon

Airtime: 8-15 minutes

Take-off altitude:

2100-2300 meters above sea level


— for children’s over 5 years old

— from 9.00 — 10.30 in the morning and 17.00 — 19.00 in the evening or all day when the day is not sunny

Total duration of the adventure: from 60 minutes


Airtime: 15-25 minutes

Take off altitude: 2306-2700 meters above sea level


— for children’s over 12 years old

— only in sunny weather from 12.30 to 16.30

Total duration of the adventure: from 40 minutes

Paragliding flight with aerobatics in Gudauri


Airtime: 20-35 minutes

Take off altitude: 2306-2700 meters above sea level


— for children’s over 5 years old

— only in sunny weather from 12.30 to 16.30

Total duration of the adventure: from 45 minutes



Airtime: 35-50 minutes

Take off altitude: 2306-2700 meters above sea level


— for children’s over 5 years old

— only in sunny weather from 12.30 to 16.30

Total duration of the adventure: from 99 minutes

Pay attention to weight restrictions:

— If your weight exceeds 80 kg, you will need to pay extra +50 GEL

— If your weight exceeds 100 kg, you will need to pay +100 GEL
— 120 kg — maximum passenger weight

Paragliding is available:

* For children and teenagers from 5 — 16 years old (in the presence of parents or guardians)

* Elderly people from 60 to 75 must have a written permission from the clinic about the absence of cardiovascular diseases

* Disabled people of 2-3 groups, as well as people with disabilities

* The altitude, direction, and duration of your flight may vary depending on weather conditions

The tour price includes:

- HD video;

- Free transfers in Gudauri and its environs;

- Warm clothes, special footwear, gloves and aviation equipment.

For an additional fee you can:

- Photos +35 GEL;

- Video 4K UHD +35 GEL;

- Aerobatics +50 GEL.

Paragliding over the Aragvi canyon will make you feel like a part of the vast Georgia. You will be able to capture in your memory the most beautiful views and landscapes of the canyon. You can also take advantage of the additional services and order photos from the flight or video in the best quality. You will be able to surprise your friends and loved ones with these amazing shots and your stories about the flight.

Our restrictions

- If your weight exceeds 80 kg, you must pay an additional fee of 50 GEL

- If your weight exceeds 100 kg, an additional fee of 100 GEL will be charged.

- 120 kg - maximum passenger weight

* A person is allowed to fly from the age of 5 (in the presence of parents or guardians)

* The maximum duration of the entire trip is one hour

* Altitude, heading and flight duration may vary depending on weather conditions.

Advice from our instructors

Our instructors are professionals who have the right level of knowledge and competence in their field and can provide you with consulting services.

Often there are clients who are filled with fear and doubt at the very last moment, and it is our instructors who will help you get ready for the flight, dispel your doubts and provide support.

During the flight, your instructor will be behind you, which will allow you to enjoy the views and landscapes of the Aragvi canyon - the heart of our vast Georgia.

Our instructors will answer all your questions without leaving any of them unanswered, allowing you to enjoy your flight time without any hesitation.

How can we keep you safe?

We care not only about your aesthetic pleasure. Your safety is above all for us, so the sightseeing flight is designed with all factors in mind. Paragliders equipped with modern parachutes are carefully checked by our specialists before each flight. On the day of the flight, we assess the weather conditions. Experts will advise you on what clothes to wear and what safety measures to take. It is through checking all the necessary equipment and facilities that we are sure that our customers are completely safe and can only do one thing: to enjoy the views of the Aragvi canyon.

Our instructors are people with extensive experience in paragliding. They will help you prepare for your flight so that it goes as smoothly as possible for you. During the flight, you will sit in front of the pilot as a passenger and enjoy the breathtaking view. All that is required of you is to relax and follow all the instructions of the instructor.

Our pilots live in the sky, this is their element, in the sky they are like a fish in water! They spent tens of thousands of hours in the air before we trusted them with your comfort and trust. From the first minute to the end of the flight, you will feel completely safe.

What is paragliding?

A modern paraglider is an improved version of a parachute that uses updrafts of air to hover horizontally above the ground. Experts call it gliding or free flight. Today, a paraglider is a full-size aircraft that can lift two adults into the air. It is designed to be as safe as possible, especially for passengers.

In order to glide, the glider must gain altitude. The easiest and most affordable way is to run it in the mountains. In most cases, this method is used in the mountains of Gudauri.

The second way to climb is to use an engine whose power turns the propeller.

Our team

Hundreds and thousands of amateur and professional pilots visit the mountains of Gudauri every year. Our main task is to ensure the safety of all those taking off.

There are situations when a large group of paragliders take off at the same time, and such a situation can endanger everyone who is in the air or hovering.

We organize our flights in such a way as to reduce any risk to zero. All instructors have extensive experience in the mountains of Georgia.

Who are we?

Paragliding company Atlantida Ltd. (ID 401993955), founded in 2013 by a citizen of Ukraine, Mikhailuta Sergey Nikolaevich. From 2013 to the present, the company officially conducts paragliding training and commercial flights in the resort of Gudauri, Georgia.


Mikhailuta Sergei Nikolaevich

Founder of SkyAtlantida Flight director at SkyAtlantida launch sites.


Mikhailyuta Tatiana Anatolyevna

Head of SkyAtlantida Has two higher educations, a professional guide, a linguist, and a physician.


Mikhailyuta Anatoly Sergeevich

Head of the International Federation of Paragliding and Hang Gliding of Georgia, Paragliding Expert - Flight Director - Instructor

SkyAtlantida_Team_Dmitro_Mykhailiuta (1)

Mikhailuta Dmitry Sergeevich

Co-founder of the International Federation of Paragliding and Hang Gliding of Georgia Tandem Pilot - Instructor


Nikolaeva Natalia AlexandRovna

Co-founder of the International Federation of Paragliding and Hang Gliding of Georgia Senior Manager at SkyAtlantida.
