Tandem Paragliding in Gudauri | Georgia

Paragliding in tandem in Gudauri

What unusual breath-taking entertainment can be chosen in our time for those who love the thrill and adrenaline rush, as well as for those who have never experienced it, but dream of experiencing it? Definitely paragliding! But the best place to practice paragliding is Gudauri! What could be better than soaring in the clouds, like a bird above the stunning beauty of the landscape?


Мы свяжемся с Вами в ближайшее время для уточнения деталей бронирования

Paragliding allows you to look at mountain landscapes and see the world as birds see it. Skillfully using air currents, the weight of your own body will open the world to you from a different angle.

Flight cost


sightseeing flight

20-35 minutes (altitude from 2700m above sea level), available even for children from 5 years old, total duration from 70 minutes.



All inclusive flight (8-15 minutes), best views of Aragvi canyon, waterfalls, lake, off-road transfer included. Height from 2270 m above sea level, accessible even for children from 5 years old, total duration from 40 minutes.


route flight

35-50 minutes (possible only in sunny weather from 12.30 to 16.30). Height from 3200m above sea level), available even for children from 5 years old, total duration from 120 minutes.



8-15 minutes. Height from 3000m above sea level), available even for children from 12 years old, total duration from 40 minutes.


short flight

10-20 minutes. Possible only in sunny weather from 12.30 to 16.30). Height from 2200m above sea level, accessible even for children from 5 years old, total duration from 35 minutes.

Pay attention to weight restrictions:

— If your weight exceeds 80kg you will need to pay extra +50 GEL

— If your weight exceeds 100 + kg you will need to pay +100
— 120 kg — maximum passenger weight

* Available from 5 years old (in the presence of parents or guardians)
* The duration of the entire trip is no more than one hour
* The altitude, direction and duration of your flight may vary depending on weather conditions.

Paragliding in tandem in Gudauri! Mountains excite and excite, they conquer everyone with their monumentality, majesty, power and beauty. Who once visited the mountains, will remember with admiration that special feeling that you experience only in the mountains - harmony and unity with nature, about the energy that the mountains give to everyone who was able to overcome and conquer them. But not everyone can tell about the beauties of the mountain landscape from a breathtaking height. Tandem paragliding in Gudauri provides such an opportunity!

A bit of theory

A paraglider is one of the lightest and most comfortable aircraft, which is easily assembled in a special backpack. The paragliding system consists of a paraglider, a harness and a pilot, and the paraglider itself flies thanks to dynamic and thermal updrafts. A paraglider is considered a safe flying vehicle due to its ease of control, good stability and low takeoff and landing speed. This also affects the fact that the paraglider is acceptable to any person who is in moderate health. A two-seat paraglider is called a tandem. Paragliding in tandem is designed for two people: a pilot and a passenger, with the passenger in front and the pilot in the back.

Launch and takeoff of a paraglider

The site that is used for the start is selected very carefully, it must meet all the requirements. In Gudauri, the start is on the feet, with a run up the slope.

Duration and speed of paragliding in tandem

It takes no more than 10-15 minutes, the guest does not need any knowledge and skills, since the instructor takes over the entire management process. The client only has to admire the extraordinary mountain landscapes and shoot on a video camera or your phone.

We invite and offer

We invite you to visit an incredibly beautiful place - Gudauri! The unique location of Gudauri on a high relief plateau surrounded by mountain ranges allows you to enjoy amazing views of the mountain peaks. There are ideal weather conditions for paragliding - almost always sunny and fresh mountain breeze.

To date, paragliding is considered the most popular and widely available flight solution, and flying with an instructor is safe! All our flights are made in tandem: pilot and passenger. All pilots use equipment (certification of equipment from leading companies is a prerequisite) and have a long flight experience. Each pilot has excellent health and good physical fitness, so that he can confidently lift himself and a passenger into the air. We check the weather conditions at the beginning of the ascent to the start, during the ascent and right before the flight.

When planning to fly on a paraglider, one must take into account that the wind gusts are stronger at altitude, which means it will be much colder.

Persons over 18 years old, as well as children over 7 years old, accompanied by one of the parents, are allowed to fly. It is better to refuse the flight for those who suffer from chronic cardiovascular diseases.

With us you will receive the best service, because during the flight:

- especially during takeoff, the passenger is required to fulfill all the pilot's commands, because he is responsible for the health and life of the guest;
- video filming will be conducted, and if desired, the guest can get a recording for himself;
- the passenger can take photos and videos on his mobile phone.

10 reasons why choose us:

1. We love what we do!
2. We are not afraid of responsibility!
3. Our instructors are very experienced and reliable, true professionals in their field.
4. Flight inspection of all equipment is carried out in a timely manner and daily.
5. Our pilots undergo pre-flight medical control.
6. We use only certified equipment from the world's leading manufacturers.
7. We value our pilots and value our customers.
8. We will help you plan your trip correctly, making every effort to make you satisfied.
9. Our motto is professionalism in everything!
10. Photo and video shooting of your flight is provided!

We are ready to make your dreams come true, an unforgettable tandem paragliding flight in Gudauri awaits you!

Who are we?

Paragliding company Atlantida Ltd. (ID 401993955), founded in 2013 by a citizen of Ukraine, Mikhailuta Sergey Nikolaevich. From 2013 to the present, the company officially conducts paragliding training and commercial flights in the resort of Gudauri, Georgia.


Mikhailuta Sergei Nikolaevich

Founder of SkyAtlantida Flight director at SkyAtlantida launch sites.


Mikhailyuta Tatiana Anatolyevna

Head of SkyAtlantida Has two higher educations, a professional guide, a linguist, and a physician.


Mikhailyuta Anatoly Sergeevich

Head of the International Federation of Paragliding and Hang Gliding of Georgia, Paragliding Expert - Flight Director - Instructor

SkyAtlantida_Team_Dmitro_Mykhailiuta (1)

Mikhailuta Dmitry Sergeevich

Co-founder of the International Federation of Paragliding and Hang Gliding of Georgia Tandem Pilot - Instructor


Nikolaeva Natalia AlexandRovna

Co-founder of the International Federation of Paragliding and Hang Gliding of Georgia Senior Manager at SkyAtlantida.
