Tandem Paragliding in Gudauri | Georgia

Paragliding flight with aerobatics in Gudauri

Safe flight requires theoretical training in winds, piloting techniques, emergency situations. You will also need a thousand tips, tricks, details, adjustments, etc. that can only be learned from an expert. Only pilots who have completed the SIV course are allowed to participate in acrobatics. SIV introduces pilots to dangerous flight modes.


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Paragliding allows you to look at mountain landscapes and see the world as birds see it. Skillfully using air currents, the weight of your own body will open the world to you from a different angle.

Flight cost


sightseeing flight

20-35 minutes (altitude from 2700m above sea level), available even for children from 5 years old, total duration from 70 minutes.



All inclusive flight (8-15 minutes), best views of Aragvi canyon, waterfalls, lake, off-road transfer included. Height from 2270 m above sea level, accessible even for children from 5 years old, total duration from 40 minutes.


route flight

35-50 minutes (possible only in sunny weather from 12.30 to 16.30). Height from 3200m above sea level), available even for children from 5 years old, total duration from 120 minutes.


8-15 minutes. Height from 3000m above sea level), available even for children from 12 years old, total duration from 40 minutes.


short flight

10-20 minutes. Possible only in sunny weather from 12.30 to 16.30). Height from 2200m above sea level, accessible even for children from 5 years old, total duration from 35 minutes.

Pay attention to weight restrictions:

— If your weight exceeds 80kg you will need to pay extra +50 GEL

— If your weight exceeds 100 + kg you will need to pay +100
— 120 kg — maximum passenger weight

* Available from 5 years old (in the presence of parents or guardians)
* The duration of the entire trip is no more than one hour
* The altitude, direction and duration of your flight may vary depending on weather conditions.

What acrofigures will you learn to perform?

- Tail Slide (flight back). During this maneuver, the tail flies (or rather "slides") almost at full speed backwards. Tail Slide is a figure that is on the narrow line between a parachute jump and a full takeoff.

- CAT is a type of spiral in which the center of rotation is between the glider and the pilot. This means that the glider is flying forward (positive rotation) while the pilot is flying backwards (negative rotation). The deceleration is very small, approximately 4-8 m/s, depending on the type of parachute and the maneuver performed.

- Negative spiral - In a negative spiral, one arm of the glider rotates backwards (negative), while the other continues to fly forward, with the negative flying arm in the tail. In this maneuver, the glider usually flies in a sway, with the pilot swaying back and forth under the glider.

- Wingovers are a series of dynamic turns in which the pilot folds the wing. This is the basic figure of the whole acro, but at the same time a very complex maneuver. The key to success in this figure is the timely transfer of weight and application of the brakes.

- A deep spiral is the most effective way to reduce height. During a spiral, the pilot is level with the glider, the leading edge is pointing toward the ground (and even in line with the horizon), and the pilot is rotating very rapidly around the center of rotation, which is near the wing. The descent speed can exceed 20 m/s, and the pilot's rotation speed is 110 km/h, which causes significant g-forces.

- Butterfly (horseshoe). This trick is very simple and looks very beautiful in the eyes of the average viewer. In this maneuver, the glider has a horseshoe (U-shaped) shape, the wing is filled with air and has no horizontal speed.

- An asymmetric spiral is, in fact, a wing, but only in one direction. The timing of weight transfer and brake application is very similar. You don't get as high above the glider as you would with a wing over, but the glider has more power in an asymmetric spiral. It is because of the high amount of energy in a paraglider that the asymmetric spiral is used to enter acro maneuvers that require a lot of energy.

Aerobatics in paragliding

Aerobatics in paragliding is the performance of all kinds of complex maneuvers. They require a well-mastered technique and a wide range of theoretical and practical knowledge from the pilot. No matter how aerobatics seems to be a simple direction, it is necessary to take it as seriously as possible and with due understanding.

Aerobatics adds emotion and adrenaline to paragliding, which makes this sport even more exciting. This sport is gaining popularity more and more, because in addition to adrenaline and emotions, you heal your body, get hardened and plus some wonderful stories in your life collection!

Any mistake can lead to fatal consequences, and in order to avoid this, it is necessary that the pilot take a specialized course. Studying at a paragliding school allows the student to gain all possible knowledge about the movements of a paraglider, as well as all the safety measures necessary to perform paragliding flights. Only in this way will you be able to fly safely and practice any aerobatics. If you do not have a sufficient level of skills and you have not received instruction from a specialist, in no case take risks. Consult with instructors, acquire the necessary skills, find out the necessary information, and go! Against a tailwind!

How to teach aerobatics

The course is taught by qualified instructors of the school. The main source of danger in paragliding is careless or inept piloting. Therefore, this sport should be studied at a school where pilots master the technique, theory and practice gradually, without haste. These hours of training will give the pilot the confidence to master paragliding.

Paragliding flight with aerobatics in Gudauri

As far as aerobatics would not be in itself one of the most interesting areas of paragliding, in the mountains of Gudauri aerobatics has a completely different character. Do not deprive yourself and your loved ones of the opportunity to join this direction of paragliding. Performing aerobatic maneuvers in the mountains of Gudauri, you will leave your mark on the entire history of paragliding with aerobatics in Gudauri. Be part of history and keep these moments in your heart for years to come!

Who are we?

Paragliding company Atlantida Ltd. (ID 401993955), founded in 2013 by a citizen of Ukraine, Mikhailuta Sergey Nikolaevich. From 2013 to the present, the company officially conducts paragliding training and commercial flights in the resort of Gudauri, Georgia.


Mikhailuta Sergei Nikolaevich

Founder of SkyAtlantida Flight director at SkyAtlantida launch sites.


Mikhailyuta Tatiana Anatolyevna

Head of SkyAtlantida Has two higher educations, a professional guide, a linguist, and a physician.


Mikhailyuta Anatoly Sergeevich

Head of the International Federation of Paragliding and Hang Gliding of Georgia, Paragliding Expert - Flight Director - Instructor

SkyAtlantida_Team_Dmitro_Mykhailiuta (1)

Mikhailuta Dmitry Sergeevich

Co-founder of the International Federation of Paragliding and Hang Gliding of Georgia Tandem Pilot - Instructor


Nikolaeva Natalia AlexandRovna

Co-founder of the International Federation of Paragliding and Hang Gliding of Georgia Senior Manager at SkyAtlantida.
