Tandem Paragliding in Gudauri | Georgia

Paragliding in the Gudauri mountains

The mountains will not leave anyone indifferent, they will touch everyone's heart, with their power and majestic beauty. You can endlessly admire mountain peaks, passes and pastures. Everyone who has ever been to the mountains will tell about their special feeling of harmony with nature, about the energy that gives strength and energy to everyone who opens their hearts.

But few can boast that they saw the mountain peaks from a bird's eye view, until recently, only a few birds could admire the mountain landscapes from a bird's eye view, now you can see all the beauty of the mountains if you book a paragliding flight in the Gudauri mountains, this opportunity appeared thanks to the Sky Atlantida company ...

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Paragliding allows you to look at mountain landscapes and see the world as birds see it. Skillfully using the currents of air, the weight of your own body will open the world to you from a different angle.

Flight cost


sightseeing flight

20-35 minutes (altitude from 2700m above sea level), available even for children from 5 years old, total duration from 70 minutes.



All inclusive flight (8-15 minutes), best views of Aragvi canyon, waterfalls, lake, off-road transfer included. Height from 2270 m above sea level, accessible even for children from 5 years old, total duration from 40 minutes.


route flight

35-50 minutes (possible only in sunny weather from 12.30 to 16.30). Height from 3200m above sea level), available even for children from 5 years old, total duration from 120 minutes.



8-15 minutes. Height from 3000m above sea level), available even for children from 12 years old, total duration from 40 minutes.


short flight

10-20 minutes. Possible only in sunny weather from 12.30 to 16.30). Height from 2200m above sea level, accessible even for children from 5 years old, total duration from 35 minutes.

Pay attention to weight restrictions:

— If your weight exceeds 80kg you will need to pay extra +50 GEL

— If your weight exceeds 100 + kg you will need to pay +100
— 120 kg — maximum passenger weight

* Available from 5 years old (in the presence of parents or guardians)
* The duration of the entire trip is no more than one hour
* The altitude, direction and duration of your flight may vary depending on weather conditions.

Paragliding in the mountains

Without a doubt, paragliding in the Gudauri mountains will give you a huge amount of impressions that you will remember for a long time.

Mountain paragliding routes can hardly be called an ordinary walk - it is a difficult flight filled with vivid impressions. Mountains do not forgive mistakes, do not tolerate neglect.

An event such as a paragliding flight in the mountains will require maximum concentration; in flight conditions, all the knowledge and experience that is available will be required.

The mountains constantly show their skittish nature. We constantly have to start under the same conditions, and end the flight when the weather has changed dramatically.

We constantly have to deal with a situation when the weather in the mountains shows all its unpredictability. Our instructors are constantly flying in conditions that would be dangerous for a normal flat pilot.

We often practice flying in rotors when it is not over ridges. In this case, mountain-valley air currents (wind) have a huge impact, and meteoric ones at altitude. Depending on the circumstances, both of them can become assistants during the flight or complicate the task hundreds of times.

Most often we use the mountain-valley wind, as a rule, it appears during the day when the sun warms up the mountain slopes and warm air currents rush up.

How does any paragliding flight go?

After you arrive at the launch site, you need to undergo a mandatory briefing. They will tell you the basics of flying safely, what to do and how to behave.

Next, you have to take your place in the passenger system. It is worth mentally preparing yourself for the fact that in two or three steps you will feel the feeling of free flight.

You will have the opportunity to make stunning shots for your personal archive, you will be able to share your emotions and memories with friends and acquaintances.

Standard paragliding flight

Only true mountain lovers will be able to admire them from above. You will spend the most intense and brightest half an hour in the air. You will be able to admire the picturesque passes.

The start takes place at an altitude of over 2000 meters. The length of the route is no more than 10 kilometers. The end point will depend on the weather, it may be the Gudauri resort or another place.

In sunny weather, you will have the opportunity to fly over the clouds and touch them. If the sky is cloudy, you can personally appreciate all the multifaceted beauty of the rocks and cliffs.

The price of a paragliding flight over the mountains includes:

- Special warm clothes, which we will select by size;
- Shoes in which you will feel comfortable and warm;
- Gloves and helmet;
- All necessary flight equipment, in good condition;
- A unique video, good quality (ND);
- Additionally, you can agree on a photo and video shooting, and aerobatics;

What you should pay attention to

Any paragliding flight in the Gudauri mountains is subject to uniform safety requirements.

- Children over 7 years old are allowed to fly.
- Children and adolescents without chronic diseases of the nervous system and cardiovascular;
- The weight of an adult must not exceed 80 kg.
- If the weight is more, paragliding will cost more.
- People with signs of strong alcoholic intoxication are not allowed to fly.
- If you feel unwell, especially if you have heart problems, high blood pressure, epilepsy, convulsions, pregnancy at any time.
- The duration of the flight cannot be more than one hour.
- The altitude and direction of your flight may change depending on weather conditions.

Why choose our team

All members of our team are professionals with many years of experience. Everyone has many hours of flying in various weather conditions. In addition to specific knowledge of the area and its features, experience and skill, each of our instructors is in love with the mountains and their work.

The mountains are constantly changing, in order to guarantee the safety of each of our guests, we use flying equipment from the best and trusted manufacturers. Every little thing in our outfit has been carefully selected.

Even if you have no idea what a paragliding flight is, but you have a desire to fly, our instructors will keep you company in the air. You have the opportunity to book a tandem flight with an experienced instructor who will be constantly next to you and monitor the situation, thereby ensuring you complete safety. The price of a tandem flight with an instructor depends on the distance and complexity of the route. To a large extent, the cost will depend on your wishes, the final amount will be announced to you immediately before the flight, taking into account everything, even the weather and the direction of the wind.

Sky Atlantida has been organizing paragliding flights in the mountains for several years, and during this time there has not been a single unpleasant incident, which indicates the level of preparation and organization.

Who are we?

Paragliding company Atlantida Ltd. (ID 401993955), founded in 2013 by a citizen of Ukraine, Mikhailuta Sergey Nikolaevich. From 2013 to the present, the company officially conducts paragliding training and commercial flights in the resort of Gudauri, Georgia.


Mikhailuta Sergei Nikolaevich

Founder of SkyAtlantida Flight director at SkyAtlantida launch sites.


Mikhailyuta Tatiana Anatolyevna

Head of SkyAtlantida Has two higher educations, a professional guide, a linguist, and a physician.


Mikhailyuta Anatoly Sergeevich

Head of the International Federation of Paragliding and Hang Gliding of Georgia, Paragliding Expert - Flight Director - Instructor

SkyAtlantida_Team_Dmitro_Mykhailiuta (1)

Mikhailuta Dmitry Sergeevich

Co-founder of the International Federation of Paragliding and Hang Gliding of Georgia Tandem Pilot - Instructor


Nikolaeva Natalia AlexandRovna

Co-founder of the International Federation of Paragliding and Hang Gliding of Georgia Senior Manager at SkyAtlantida.
